नमस्कार मी विजय रा गिरी (स शि) जि प प्राथमिक शाळा कन्हेरी ता रिसोड जि वाशिम. मोबा नंबर 8805577729 SMART LEARNING या माझ्या ब्लॉग वर आपल्या सर्वांचे मनःपूर्वक स्वागत !!!

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आपणांस कळविण्यात येते की दिनांक 16/07/2024 पासून वर्ग सहावीच्या प्रवेश करिता ऑनलाईन अर्ज भरण्याची प्रक्रिया सुरू झाली आहे. प्रवेश अर्ज संकेतस्थळावर निःशुल्क भरता येईल. अर्ज करण्याची शेवटची तारीख ही 29/09/2024 पर्यंत वाढविण्यात आली आहे. प्रवेश परीक्षा दिनांक 18/01/2025 रोजी शनिवारला होणार आहे i


Articles : उपपदे

An article is used before subject or object.But it must be common noun.

Articles are very useful to complete the meaning of the sentence.And it is also important that which articles we should have used in the particular place.

There are three articles used in english A,An and The.

Kinds of articles :उपपदाचे प्रकार

1) Indefinite articles अनिश्चित उपपद : a, an

It is used before countable common nouns.And it is indefinite article,means it isn't clear that To whom or which particular things we are indicating.Example : a dog ,an ant ,an antenna ,a cow etc.

Uses of  'A' : 

1)It is used before a singular common  noun word that begins with consonant.
Example : a cat, a monkey, a pen a book etc.
2)It is used before a singular common noun word that begins with vowel but its pronunciation is like a consonant.
Example : a unit, a uniform, a one rupee coin etc
3)If there is adjective before common noun and it's begins with consonant then we should have used 'a' before the adjective.
Example :a nice doll, a great king etc.
4)It is used before a word that shows group of things.Example : a cup and saucer, a glass and plate etc.
5)If there will be natural number before the word half . Example : two and a half kilos, hundred and a half kilometres etc
6)It is rarely used before unknown name.Example : A Mr.Kamthe is coming here.

Uses of 'An' :

1)It is used before a singular common word that begins with vowel and it's pronunciation is like a vowel
Example : an engineer, an elephant ,an orange etc.
2)It is also used before a singular common word that it's begins with consonant but it's pronunciation is like vowel.
Example : An hour, An honest, an M.A., an M.B.B.S. etc
3)If there is an adjective before a singular common noun that...(see rule no.1 and 2)
Example : an important rule, an honest man etc

Definite articles निश्चित उपपद : The

It is not necessary that the common noun must be singular, plural,or indicates numbers but it should be indicates particular information.

Uses of 'the' :

1)It is used before superlative degree word.
Example : the best actor,the most useful thing etc
2)An article 'the' is used before ordinal numbers
Example : the first ,the twentieth  etc
3)After using a or an before a singular common noun but it common noun occurs again in next to the sentence then use 'the'.
Example :a) Maya has a mobile.The mobile is very expensive.
b)The king has a golden crown.The crown shines at night.
4)It is used before the name of rivers,lake, ocean,novels,direction etc.Example : The Godavari,the north,the Everest,the Geeta etc.
5)It is used before a word that shows a unique things in the world.Example : The sun,the moon,the earth,the Maharashtra,the indian etc.
6)If a singular common noun indicates or refers about its species or groups.Example : 1)The dog is an honest animal.
7)It is used before the words last,same,other, following,first,next,main,final,middle etc
8)If there is not common noun after an adjective and an adjective refers about particular groups,species etc
Example : The Indian
The poors are hungry. We should help the weak.

Omission of the article : उपपद केव्हा वापर नये

1) Don't use article before proper nouns(Asha,Daulat,Ravi ,Cricket,Marathi)before abstract nouns (honesty, wisdom, kindness etc),before material nouns like water,rice,gold,iron etc.
2)Don't use article before the nouns School, Hospital, Church, Court,college,prison,etc when these words are used for its special works or purpose.
Example :1)She wanted to learn therefore she went to school.
2)His friend bumped to the tree and now he is in hospital.

1)I went to the school to visit my friend.
Here the main aim or purpose of the school is to give education. And,

For what did I go to school? Answer : to visit my friend.

3) Don't use article after prepositions while the common nouns are used in the forms of objects.
Example : at noon, on earth , by train ,on foot etc

Some useful examples :

1)-An- orange is a  sweet fruit.
2) It's -an- unbelievable thing.
3)Those are --the  fruits that made --the  soup.
4)This is -the- home of my loving grandma.
5)Savita is --an honest girl.
6)Aniket is a good boy.
7)I saw a useful things.
8) Have you a uniform ?
9)Raju sent me message.I liked the message.
10)This is the leaf that made the figure of it.
11) × Granth Sahib is great scripture.
12).The.donkey is  faithful animal.

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