नमस्कार मी विजय रा गिरी (स शि) जि प प्राथमिक शाळा कन्हेरी ता रिसोड जि वाशिम. मोबा नंबर 8805577729 SMART LEARNING या माझ्या ब्लॉग वर आपल्या सर्वांचे मनःपूर्वक स्वागत !!!

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आपणांस कळविण्यात येते की दिनांक 16/07/2024 पासून वर्ग सहावीच्या प्रवेश करिता ऑनलाईन अर्ज भरण्याची प्रक्रिया सुरू झाली आहे. प्रवेश अर्ज संकेतस्थळावर निःशुल्क भरता येईल. अर्ज करण्याची शेवटची तारीख ही 29/09/2024 पर्यंत वाढविण्यात आली आहे. प्रवेश परीक्षा दिनांक 18/01/2025 रोजी शनिवारला होणार आहे i

numbers ( वचन )

Numbers : वचन

 Common nouns that refer or indicate numbers like one,two, three,four...Hundred ...Many ,more, ..etc. it is called numbers.

There are two types of numbers,
1) Singular number- एकवचन      2) Plural number-अनेक वचन

If there is a thing it is called singular number and there will be more than a thing it is called plural numbers.

We can write plural forms of collective common nouns, countable and uncountable common nouns.
But it can't become plural forms of proper nouns,abstract nouns, and material nouns .

Some important rules about plural forms:

1) Specially it suffixes 's' while making plural forms.
Examples :boy - boys, bat - bat, bag - bags , book- books, pen -pens, house - houses, pad - pads,hut - huts, ball - balls, bird - birds, dog - dogs etc.

2)If there is the letter or letters s, sh, ch, x or o at the end of the singular common nouns then it suffixes 'es'.
Examples : bus - buses, bush - bushes, class - classes, dish - dishes , box - boxes, 
Watch - watches,mango - mangoes, hero - heroes, fish - fishes, bench - benches etc.

3)It suffixes 'ies' when there will be 'y' at the end of the singular common nouns.
Examples : lady : ladies, story - stories, city - cities, family - families, copy - copies, baby - babies,cry - cries,body -bodies, country - countries etc.

But, there is vowel(a,e,i,o,u) before the letter 'y' at the end of the singular common nouns it suffixes only a letter's'.
Examples : boy - boys, toy - toys , day - days, monkey - monkeys, donkey - donkeys, key - keys, essay - essays,play - plays, ray - rays etc.

4)Some singular common nouns have the letter 'f' or 'fe' at the end.Then add 'ves' removing to 'f' or 'fe'.
Examples : loaf - loaves, life - lives, wife - wives, leaf - leaves, wolf - wolves, hoof - hooves, calf - calves, thief - thieves, knife - knives, shelf - shelves etc.
But some singular common nouns have not apply for this rule.
Examples: safe - safes, chief - chiefs, roof - roofs, proof - proofs, belief - beliefs,dwarf - dwarfs etc.

5)Some plural numbers become changing with its vowels.
Examples : foot - feet, tooth - teeth, man - men, mouse - mice, louse - lice, woman - women,this - these, that - those, goose - geese,Etc.

6)Some plural numbers are different of it singular forms.
Examples : ox - oxen, child - children, mouse - mice, I - we, he -she, it - they, etc.

7)Some plural nouns are same as it singular forms.
Examples:sheep - sheep, deer -deer, hair - hair,

8)Some plural nouns always in singular forms.
Examples : news - news, information - information, scenery - scenery, furniture - furniture, luggage - luggage, physics - physics, mathematics - mathematics, etc.

9)Some plural nouns are always in plural forms.
Examples: people - people,police - police,series - series,swine - swine, cattle - cattle, trousers - trousers, scissors - scissors, spectacles - spectacles,stairs - stairs,etc 

10)Some plural nouns are always written in the specific pattern.
Examples:1)one dozen bananas - a dozen of bananas 2) thousands people - thousands of people.3)hundreds animal - hundreds of animals

11)For plural degrees or courses.
Examples: many Ph.D's , Many M.P.'s , M.L.A.'s , Many P.A.'s etc.

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