नमस्कार मी विजय रा गिरी (स शि) जि प प्राथमिक शाळा कन्हेरी ता रिसोड जि वाशिम. मोबा नंबर 8805577729 SMART LEARNING या माझ्या ब्लॉग वर आपल्या सर्वांचे मनःपूर्वक स्वागत !!!

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आपणांस कळविण्यात येते की दिनांक 16/07/2024 पासून वर्ग सहावीच्या प्रवेश करिता ऑनलाईन अर्ज भरण्याची प्रक्रिया सुरू झाली आहे. प्रवेश अर्ज संकेतस्थळावर निःशुल्क भरता येईल. अर्ज करण्याची शेवटची तारीख ही 29/09/2024 पर्यंत वाढविण्यात आली आहे. प्रवेश परीक्षा दिनांक 18/01/2025 रोजी शनिवारला होणार आहे i

Pronuciation of Alphabets

English Pronuciation of Alphabets

Alphabets : मुळाक्षरे

There are 26 main letters in english.It is called Alphabet.We can write it in two ways,Capital and small .

Aa ए, B bबी, C cसी, D dडी, Ee इ, F fएफ, G gजी,Hh एच, I iआय, Jj जे, Kk के, Ll एल, Mm एम, Nn एन, O oओ, P pपी, Qq क्यू, Rr आर, S sएस, Tt टी, Uu यू,V vव्ही, Ww डब्ल्यू, Xx एक्स, Y yवाय, Z zझेड.

There are five vowels (a,e,i,o,u) and remaining are consonants .

Pronunciation of Alphabets : उच्चार

Vowels स्वर

A - अ,आ,I-इ,,EE -ई, U-उ, OO -ऊ, E-ए, Ai- ऐ, O -ओ, Au-औ, Am, An -अं, Aha - अहा

Consonants : व्यंजन

क-Ka, ख -Kha, ग -Ga, घ -Gha,ड़ -N
च-Cha, छ-Chha, ज -Ja, झ -Jha, Za, त्र -N
ट-Ta, ठ - Tha, ड-Da, ढ -Dha, ण-Na
त -Ta, थ - Tha, द - Da, ध - Dha, न -Na
प-Pa, फ़ -Fa, Pha, ब -Ba, भ - Bha, म -Ma
य -Ya, र -Ra, ल - La, व -Va, Wa, श -Sha
ष - Sha, स -Sa, ह -Ha, ळ -La, क्ष-Ksha, ज्ञ - Dnya

Vowels Sound or Pronunciation :
A : 1) like अ :
Examples :at,rat,cat,bat,mat,fan, barrister,
Candy, Sand,Tat etc.
2)like आ : 
Examples : Bar,jar,car,tar,farm,are, fast, etc
3) like ऑ :
Examples : small, Call,all, ball, war, tall etc
4)as ए :
Examples : Care,mare,dare,face, lake,gate, name
If there will be y or i after a then it's sound likes ए :
Exam : way, day, brain, main, gain, gay, stay pay etc

E : 
1)like ए : 
Examples : When, Then, Men,ben,ten,hen,bell, Tell, Sell, well etc
2)like ई :
Exam : be,me, she,we,etc

I :
1)like इ : 
Exam : Ink,pink, big, I'll, pig, hill, lip, ship, milk
2)as आइ : 
Exam : behind, life, night,kite, might, fine, nice, wife, kind, nine etc
3)like आय :
Exam : I , Wind, Wire, Fire, Mire, hi etc

O :
1)Some words that pronunciation of 'O' likes ओ 
Exam : gold, cold, bone, hope, no, know, joke, most, go, rope, post, open,bow, sow, row, crow, show etc
2)like ऑ :
Exam :office, on, odd,dog,frog,fox,box,drop, soft,top,spot,pot,hot,ox etc.
3)like अ : 
Exam : mon,son,come,ton,none, etc
4)Sound of 'oo' like as ऊ :
Exam: moon,fool,cool,good,shook,hook,room,tooth,foot,look,zoo,moo,do,loom etc.

U :
1)like अ :
Exam : up,tub,cup,hut,nut,shut,cut,must, curd, burn, turn, dust, etc.
2)like उ :
Exam:bull,pull,push,bush,rule,rude, etc
3)like यू
Exam : mute,sure,cure,cute,duty, duration, durable, tune etc

Ai :
1)like एअ :
Exam : chair,pair,air,fair,hair,stair etc
2)like ए :
Exam : main,chain,rain,gain,brain,train, etc

Ea :
1)like इअ :
Exam: mear,fear,near,tear,wear,clear,dear,ear, year, etc.
2)like ई :
Exam: heat,neat,seat,sea,meal,mean,peak,leaf,beak,east,beam,stream, etc

Ee :
1)like ई :
Exam:tree,free,ghee,wee,pee,knee,tween,seen,been,deep,week,sleep,peep etc

Es :
1)like ज : 
Exam : shoes, dies, cities, babies etc

Ou :
1)like आउ :
Exam:sound,found, ground,south,mouth,round,bound, proud, etc
2)like अव :
Exam : hour,our,etc.

Ow :
1)like आउ :
Exam : cow,now,how,down, crown,crowd,bow, etc.

Oy :
1)like ऑय :
Exam : joy, toy, boy, etc

B :
Exam :bus,ball, big, bow,bracket etc
1) क : cat, cup, cotton candy ,cock etc
2)स : cell, cycle,
Ck : 
1)क : black, chick, pick, attack etc
1)द : Devrao 
2)ड : dog, doctor, door, dig, etc
Dge :
1)ज : bridge, judge, lodge etc
Du :
1)जु :graduate, individual etc
F :
1)फ़ : fish, frog, fresh, fat, etc
G :
1)ग : goat, go, ground, gang, goal etc
2)ज :ginger, gem, gemini, etc
Gue : 
1)ग : tongue, catalogue,league etc
Gui : 
1)ग्व : distinguish, extinguish etc
Gion or geon :
1)जन : pigeon, religion etc
Gious or geous : 
1)जस : religious, georgeous etc
H : 
1)ह : horse, hat, hide, hind, hole, hello etc
J : 
1)ज : joker, joke, joy, jar, jeep etc
K :
1)क : king, kite, key, kettle, kind, etc
L : 
1)ल : low, long, leg, lip, lotus, lamb, etc
2)ळ : Balu 
1)म :mango, man, might, mean, etc
N :
1)न : nine, no, number, nest, etc
2)ण :Narayan
P :
1)प : parrot, pen, pipe, pocker, pocket, etc
Que : 
1)क : mosque, conquer,etc
2)Qu क्व : question, queen, quail, quilt,etc
R :
1)र :rat, rim, round etc
1)स : same, sound, seat, sleep etc
2)श: sugar, sure, etc
3)ज : was, boys, etc
T :
1)त :Tukaram
2)ट : tat, tractor, tiger, twist, ten etc
Ture :
1)चर : gesture, nature, future etc
Tual :
1)च्युअल : punctual, punctuation, actual, mutual
1)व : vine, very, violin, voice etc
W :
1)व : ward, wall, west, wax etc
X :
1)क्स :fox, wax, box,ox etc
2)झ : xerox xylophone etc
Y :
1)य : yard, you, yet, yak etc
1)झ :zoo, zoom, zebra, zip, zap etc

Silent  letters :

C : Scene, scent, science,
D:bridge, judge, Lodge, knowledge, pledge,
E:write,fine,vine,crime,game etc
G:design,sign,resign, foreign etc
Gh: bright,light,might,high,sigh,thigh,
H:honour,honest,hour etc
K:know, knowledge etc
L:walk,calm,palm,calf etc
N: autumn, government etc
P: psolum, psychology etc
S: island, etc.
T :listen, often, whistle, castle etc
W:write,wring,wrest,wrong etc
Mb:bomb,comb,lamb,tomb etc

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