नमस्कार मी विजय रा गिरी (स शि) जि प प्राथमिक शाळा कन्हेरी ता रिसोड जि वाशिम. मोबा नंबर 8805577729 SMART LEARNING या माझ्या ब्लॉग वर आपल्या सर्वांचे मनःपूर्वक स्वागत !!!

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आपणांस कळविण्यात येते की दिनांक 16/07/2024 पासून वर्ग सहावीच्या प्रवेश करिता ऑनलाईन अर्ज भरण्याची प्रक्रिया सुरू झाली आहे. प्रवेश अर्ज संकेतस्थळावर निःशुल्क भरता येईल. अर्ज करण्याची शेवटची तारीख ही 29/09/2024 पर्यंत वाढविण्यात आली आहे. प्रवेश परीक्षा दिनांक 18/01/2025 रोजी शनिवारला होणार आहे i


Kinds Of Sentences

Kinds of sentences : वाक्याचे प्रकार

A group of words that complete the perfect  meaning it is called sentence.

By construction of the sentences there are four main kinds of the sentences.And each sentence has different pattern.

Example :1)I am a student.
It is a statement and someone is giving information about himself.
2)What are you doing?
Someone is asking question.
3)Go ahead,to throw your garbage in the dustbin.
Someone is command or instruct to others
4)What a shot !
Someone is surprised seeing cricket.

By the above sentences,we know that there are the following kinds of the sentences --
1) statements or Assertive sentences
2) Questions or introgative sentences
3) Command or imperative sentences
4) Exclamatory sentences

1) Statements or Assertive sentences : विधानार्थी

1)He is very rude and cruel.
2)Dev selected for jnv.
3)They have a new shiny car.
4)Raju will become a good person.
5)I am a boy.

In the above sentences,there is subject,verb,object or complement words respectively.Each sentence has full stop at the end.And each sentence gives some information.
That's why such sentences are known as statement or assertive sentences.

Assertive sentences are two types.
1) Affirmative होकारार्थी 2) Negative नकारार्थी
You know that all the above five sentences are affirmative.

In the negative sentences no,not,never,nothing, nobody,neither..Nor etc these negations are used.
Example :
1)That is not the correct answer.
2)We haven't a bike.
3)She did not pay for it.

1)Rupali goes to school.(affirmative)
Ans : Rupali doesn't go to school.(negative)
2)Shivam is a good boy.(affirmative)
Ans : Shivam is not a bad boy.(negative without change the meaning)

2) Questions or introgative sentences :प्रश्नार्थक
These are two types 1)wh questions 2)verbal questions or rhetorical questions.

Wh - questions :
Such questions are begins with wh -- words like who,what,which,where,why,when,whose,how, how many,etc.And there is question mark at the end of these sentences.
1)Who are you?
2)What is it?
3)How are they?
4)How much water in the lake?

Do as directed.
1)Seeta is working on the field.(frame the wh -question that answer is Seeta.)
Let's remind that ,Here subject is Seeta.Hence, which wh words are used for the noun clause --who,whose,whom etc
Ans:Who is working on the field?

Wh- questions pattern :1)wh words+verb+subject+complement words +?
2)wh words+subject+verb+object or complement words.

Verbal questions :
Verbal questions are mainly begin with auxiliary verbs.And it's answer is yes or no.
Example : 1) Am I a student?
2)was she in Pune yesterday?
3)Will you go to school today?
4) Aren't we watching a movie?

1)Raju ate eagerly.
Ans : Didn't Raju eat eagerly?
2) Godavari flows to the east.
Ans: Doesn't Godavari flow to the east?

3) Imperative Sentences :आज्ञार्थी
1)Keep silence. 2)Stop talking at once.
3) Don't play in the street.
4)Take out your books.
5)please give a pen.
In the above sentences someone is ordering to others about what to do or don't?
Specially these sentences begin with verb.And,
There is full stop at the end of these sentences.

4) Exclamations :उद्गगार्थी
It shows sudden feelings or emotions.And there is exclamation mark at the end of the sentence.
Pattern :1)what+a/an+adjective+subject +verb/to be+!
2)How+adjective +subject +verb/to be+!

1)What a beautiful girl she is !
3)How graceful it is!
4) wonderful!
Specially it begins with what or how.
Transformation :
1)How clever he is!(exclamation)
Ans :He is very clever.(assertive)
2)What an idea!
Ans : It is a great idea.
3)There are very colourful flowers.
Ans :How colourful flowers there are!

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